Chapter 1 of The Charleses Werk the Grove. RuPaul and King Charles are reuniting in California for the annual fantasy encampment among the redwoods and its a gay old time.. Chapter 2 documenting the Cremation of Care is currently being edited and will be added here and on Rumble soon.
The new holiday Snowbunnies movie is in pre-production which will be the female GI Joe vehicle and a wholly original new adventure in the Land of Oz is also in pre-production for the holidays.
More to follow in the future and I hope to expand the recent Draco sci-fi franchise in a whole new adventure where the Draco's return to the Sol system to support some recent developments with RuPaul's clone and a new AI threat which could stand an introduction to old fashioned Draco Reptilian and Queen of the Herniverse family values.