Item List
Principal Photography Complete
RuPaul Takes on the Draco Reptilians 2: Judgement Day coming this November from Ederhansel's World. Just some blue screen box work...
Story Tie-ins
I have been enjoying these images from Trouble at RuPaul's Low Orbit Fudge Factory from 2022 as I reflect on the changes since then as...
1/3rd of GI Joe Project Posted
Eight of the original inspirations for Ederhansel's World comprising the original concept art called the GI Joe Project have been posted...
A Comic, Memoir and Job Search Oh My!
It has been a while since I posted. The biggest action comic yet from Ederhansel's World, RuPaul Takes on the Draco Reptilians 2:...
Just a Shiver of Anticipation
The window for pre-sale of the new RuPaul doll supporting the Draco sequel is fast approaching. RuPaul Takes on the Draco Reptilians 2:...
The Robins' Nest: A Batman Universe Adventure
The Batman movie concept art is finished and is presented below for you enjoyment. A new industry is building momentum from an alliance...
Current Batman Feature Inspiration
Chapters 1-6 of The Robins' Nest: A Batman Universe Adventure are available on BitChute with around 10 chapters to go. Next up is the...
Holy Shitburgers Batman
Chapter one of 17ish currently planned chapters for the biggest action comic yet from Ederhansel's World is presented below as promised. ...
Principal Photography Complete
The photography process was completed on Sunday and editing of Robins Nest: A New Batman Adventure has started. The chapter sequencing is...
Its Getting Catty Up in Here
The Robins Nest: A New Batman Adventure Featuring RuPaul and Robert Pattinson as Catwoman and Batman. Finished AL's Playhouse scene...
Production Update
The current production is on track to complete principal photography by April with a two month total period for shooting. Six supporting...
Castle Those Kings
Below is a video of the initial setup for the Penguin's Rookery which is the last large set of the production before the green screens...