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Chapter One Continues


Chapter 1 principle photography for RuPaul and the Snowbunnies Save Christmas Again: Oh and Trixie Too is almost completed. Time to strike the amusement park set this weekend and movie on to constructing the lab scene where Katya gets herself in a little too deep with Cobra Commander who falls in love with her dick and decides that he wants to give her the world literally this Christmas as a wedding grift which unfortunately takes down most men including Santa. Fortunately, its the ladies and lady boys to the rescue including a squad of GI Janes. who entice Mrs. Claus to deliver the goods and save Christmas again this year while simultaneously dealing a little healing added to every boy's list. What will we do without some fierce whores on our side and Christmas in peril again this year? Watch and find out!

I am trying to decide if post production backgrounds and title cards should be completed concurrent to the production or waiting until the end of principle photography.

This is such a big movie I am leaning on waiting until the end to begin the time consuming editing process.

Below is the next daily without backgrounds added. Trixie and Katya host a tie-in to the grand opening of RuPaul's Ya Route 66 amusement park event with a special live edition of UNHhhh in which they review several of the park rides.


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