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Grayson My Dear Dick a New Batman Adventure


Cumming soon from Ederhansel's World

Will Batman be able to provide Dick with all the training he needs? A new action comic coming from Ederhansel's World. The superheroes have some interesting relationships and they move in a world full of superheroes and villains. Most of the time they guard their cities but sometimes in the face of serious threats they work together. But one things for sure they always play together. Once you go super its good for your pooper and less extra ordinary mortals with a few notable exceptions don't make the cut for superhero dick.

Will they find happiness in service to one another?

Is time on their side to love one another or are they looking for it on the side?

Watch and find out.

Don't miss RuPaul and the Snowbunnies Save Christmas 2, Oh and Trixie Too! coming this December from Ederhansel's World.

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