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More Progress

I am really enjoying the pace at which I am producing this movie. There is now slow boat from China this time from when I built the sets.

Finished the footage for Snow Bunny land. Finished the footage for the approach to Santa's workshop and when the Muskie ran out of gas in the forest before reaching the North Pole.

Added the filmmaker to the film.

Created the Pussy Power Convention Hotel and shot the first setup. Ready to create the unavoidable four table setup to frame Santa's orgy and the first time we see Trixie Mattel in the movie.

Need to film Trixie's apprehension by Santa and related DJ club scene. For this night, Trixie will be performing as Brian. Need to film the Elon Muskie Magic Carpet Sleigh Dealership scene. Need to film Santa and RuPaul's scene. Need to film Trixie and Katya's escape.

Here are a few images from all that was accomplished today.

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