RuPaul was such a sweet girl. She loved having her tuck eaten and if you did it real good she might cum in her panties. Oh, she liked getting fucked too but as a scorpion she liked getting fucked after she had cum. It didn't matter if it was a maintenance fuck or the big Kahuna that bitch was ready to go again. In her mind she knew she would cum harder from that dick inside her rubbing on momma as opposed to any oral action so she was about to have dessert in service to her Commander.. Long live RuPaul and her contributions to the Grove. Coming soon from Ederhansel's World Action Comics.

Shitfuck (n, verb). Remnants of the rectum or colon deposited on the penis during coitus.
I don't care if I shitfuck you I want you so bad.
That lousy shitfuck better pay me the money he owes me.
The shitfucker was not turned off in the least after his gift from RuPaul.
I'm going to shitfuck all my competition.
You get the idea.
Who shitfucks who in the photo above or does versatility win in the end?
Watch and find out.