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Three Chapters Remaining


Chapters 7-9 are finished and I will start the Snowbunnies chapter today and hopefully finish up the project by the end of the weekend slightly ahead of schedule. The journey to the land of the Snowbunnies is currently the largest chapter in terms of current frame count so I won't likely be able to finish two chapters a day as I have been doing the past couple of days. I enjoyed the Poker in the Rear party chapter (9) which finally reconnects RuPaul, Trixie and Katya after Katya's sudden departure from YA Route 66 with Cobra Command and let's not talk about the wedding.

Looking forward to this project being finished since it required about three months from start to finish, but overall I am pleased with the story development compared to last year while still remaining committed to build on the holiday themed content.

RuPaul and the Snowbunnies Save Christmas 2, Oh and Trixie Too coming soon to BitChute and Rumble. Adult concept art for Ederhansel's World Action Comics. Grooming videos for adults with small minds. Watch all the Ederhansel's World Action Comics on the EderhanselsWorld channels on BitChute and Rumble. Your bad romance begins at

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