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Welcome to Doll World


What started as a pandemic distraction has evolved into a gay male alternative reality of epic proportions. All the usual models can be found on Ederhansel's World along with a variety of their wonderful friends. I am currently planning the production of my 12th and 13th movies, This site is dedicated to clips and teasers to wet your appetite. The 12th movies is staged at Burning Man and in the 13th GI Joe and Friends stay during the Bohemian Grove encampment. I particularly look forward to building the Burning Man set which I am still developing along with the Silicon Valley intensive theme of the plot. Why haven't they created Bill and Melinda 1/6 scale dolls yet? Fortunately, Jeff is an easy stand-in for many bald actors in the GI Joe line. Exciting events will transpire as new loves are found, lost and found again in spite of some interference from rival lovers. In the resolution of the Grove story, I am trying to decide which former Grove play to incorporate into the plot. The current choices are Lif Kro Nan, Runnymede, Soflerino, Maximilian, The Bonny Cravat, The Count of Monte Cristo, Merlin, or Leprechaun. Stay tuned to the channel to discover how it all plays out. There will be several interesting friends who also show up like RuPaul and her evil double ready to claim her new found power. Jeff, Bruno, Tom, Leonardo and Keanu to name just a few have also signed up in roles in both features. Of course, Bill Clinton will be there along with his old buddy elder Bush as well. Will the Pope return to reprise his inspiring role and will Dorothy and crew save the gays again? It should be a hot couple of weeks in doll world so stay tuned for the action.

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